Saturday, April 20, 2013

Water Bottle Garden

I have seen these Water Bottle Garden's popping up on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.

Items you will need:

  1. Empty Water Bottle
  2. Razor Blade & Scissors
  3. Hammer
  4. Nail
  5. String
  6. Potting Soil
  7. Seeds
Place water bottle on it's side. Use a razor blade to start cutting the bottle and finish cutting with scissors. You will cut the bottle about 2/3 the way down. Use caution, as the cut plastic edge may be sharp.

Take off cap of water bottle and use a nail and hammer to punch holes in the cap.
Use your jute string and thread through the hole of the bottle.The string will act as a wick and absorb water into the bottle and move it to the plant roots.

Place cap back on bottle Fill the upper section of the bottle with lightweight potting soil fill the bottom section with water. and insert inside the bottom half of the bottle. The felt string should make contact with the bottom of the bottle.

Plant seeds in the soil. Use a spray bottle and spray the top of the soil with water to dampen top of soil.  Place in a sunny window and wait for it to start sprouting. When you notice the water getting low just add more.


  1. Awesome! I made something similar earlier today, but love the string idea.

  2. @ Stacie thanks: @ Angela So far the bottle garden is doing well with the string. What did you use for yours? Would love to see a picture!
